Alessandra Lembo

Post-Doctoral Fellow
University of Chicago


I am a sociologist of culture and cognition. My work explores the effects of experience on perception and the body’s role in meaning making and response. In particular, I am interested in how these processes are supported and shaped by the social category of gender. I have a background in psychology, and I bring research from psychology and cognitive science to bear on sociological issues pertaining both to theory broadly, and to culture specifically. 
Using a combination of in-depth interviews, ethnography, and a novel method designed to facilitate the description of music experience, my dissertation explores the roles that body and biography play in meaning making via three distinct projects. In the first, I examine the impact of various forms of embodied experience and aesthetic biography on the shaping and acquisition of a new music taste. In the second, I measure qualities of music encounters to explore gender differences in the description and experience of a particular subtype of sonic experience. In the third, I focus on funeral directors and examine how presently unfolding, large-scale changes in the occupation are allowing new, field-transforming meanings to emerge.


Martin, John Levi & Alessandra Lembo. “Response to Vaisey.” Sociological Forum 37(1): 294-303. [PDF]

Lembo, Alessandra & John Levi Martin. 2021. “The Structure of Cultural Experience.” Poetics 91: 101562. [PDF]

Martin, John Levi & Alessandra Lembo. 2021. “On the Other Side of Interests.” In Handbook of Classical Sociological Theory, ed. by Seth Abrutyn & Omar Lizardo. New York: Springer. [PDF]

Martin, John Levi & Alessandra Lembo. 2020. “On the Other Side of Values.” American Journal of Sociology 126(1): 52-98. [PDF]

Lembo, Alessandra. 2020. “He Heard, She Heard: Toward a Cultural Sociology of the Senses.” Sociological Forum 35(2): 443-464. [PDF]

Lembo, Alessandra. 2017 “Three Chords & [Somebody’s] Truth: Trajectories of Experience and Taste Among Hard Country Fans.” Poetics 60: 62-75. [PDF]